Envoyer un courriel à Trudeau et demandez que Canada respecte les lois internationales et canadiennes

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Un groupe d'activiste canadien a écrit une lettre que vous pouvez envoyer aux membres importants de notre gouvernement afin d'exercer des pressions sur le Canada jusqu'à ce qu'il respecte le droit international et la loi canadienne.

L'étiquetage trompeur de produits soit-disant "Fabriqués en Israël" alors qu'ils ont été conçus dans les Territoires palestiniens occupés doit être dénoncé !

Copiez et collez la lettre suivante et envoyez la aux ministres mentionnés et à votre député!


To: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bcc: [email protected]

September 1, 2017

Hon. Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister of Canada

Hon. Chrystia Freeland
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Hon. Ginette Pettipas Taylor
Minister of Health

Hon. François-Philippe Champagne
Minister of International Trade

Mesdames and Sirs:

As you are aware, on July 6 of this year, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) instructed the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) to “discontinue any importations or sales” of two wine products produced by the Israeli firms Psȃgot Winery and Shiloh Winery, or others “located in the same region,” because the region in question is the Israeli-occupied West Bank, and these wines are produced within/by illegal Jewish settlements, in violation of the 4th Geneva Convention (1949), to which Canada is signatory. The “Product of Israel” labels on these two wine products are therefore false and misleading under Canada’s Food and Drugs Act.

It took the CFIA four months to issue its July 6 ruling, in response to complaints to the LCBO and CFIA dating back to early January by Winnipeg-based human rights activist David Kattenburg. (to date, the CFIA has still not communicated its decision to Dr. Kattenburg, nor informed him of the ruling). It took the government of Israel and its Canadian lobbyists thirty-six hours to have the ruling (the “Original Decision”) quashed. The “Reversal Decision” likely took no more than a few hours to be formulated, at the highest level of the Canadian government, following conversation among ‘stakeholders’ guided exclusively by political considerations I consider narrow and ill-founded.

I am writing now to urge you to restore the CFIA’s Original Decision. It was the correct one, based on international and Canadian law, and longstanding Canadian government policy regarding the status of the Occupied Palestinian Territories that CFIA “Centre of Excellence” specialists no doubt took into consideration. For full details of the chronology of events pertaining to this matter of fraudulently labelled “Made in Israel” wines, I urge you to carefully read these two documents, if you haven’t already:



Having read the above, I am sure you will agree that Dr. Kattenburg and his legal team stand an excellent chance of prevailing in Federal Court, when that day arrives. They are prepared to take their case to the Supreme Court of Canada, if need be. Given the exceptional clarity of international and Canadian laws in question, and case law on this topic, they will likely win their case in the end. Please don’t waste taxpayers’ money by letting it go this far. Please restore the CFIA’s Original Decision. Canadians have the right to know the true composition and origin of the food and drink they consume. They also have the right to decide whether or not they wish to aid and abet war crimes by purchasing products produced on lands stolen from the Palestinian people, in flagrant violation of international law.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I shall be following up.
